At Jumper 1234 we’re delighted to announce our partnership with ASIGE Advocacy for Social Inclusion and Girls’ Education. And what better day to announce our collaboration, than International Women’s Day.

ASIGE is on a mission to empower women and young people in Ghana to lead fulfilling lives through sustainable skills development. Since their inception in 2017, they've grown exponentially, now working with 429 women and young people across six different communities.

Their programme entails empowering women, giving them sustainable skills for their livelihood. These amazing women create a range of stunning woven accessories, that are ultra-stylish, beautifully vibrant, and hand-made with love.

The core mandate for the ASIGE programme is about: 

  1. Fair pay
  2. Skills development and empowerment
  3. People first
  4. Sustainable products

Every purchase of an ASIGE basket contributes to important initiatives, such as providing reproductive health education for both adolescent boys and girls, providing sanitary pads for rural girls, enabling them to stay in school during menstruation. In 2023 alone, they distributed 2000 sanitary pads, making a tangible impact on the lives of young girls in their communities. By weaving baskets with love and joy, our artisans not only support their families but also contribute to a brighter future for themselves and their children.

Artisan accessories, with purpose

At Jumper 1234 sustainability, quality, people, and planet all come first. So, we are delighted to confirm we will be supporting ASIGE and making these stunning, hand-woven baskets, available for you to buy.

We will be stocking a limited quantity of these stunning baskets, which are available now to buy on pre-order for £75.

As bold, striking, and colourful as our cashmere collection, these stunning shoppers are more than a basket, they’re a movement for positive change. Grabbing your groceries will never feel so good (or look so stylish).

People before profits

We will be donating 100% of the revenue from the sales of the ASIGE baskets directly to these talented artisans, every purchase becomes a symbol of empowerment and support.

So, what are you waiting for! With a limited quantity available, pre-order your artisan baskets now, and make sure you don’t miss the chance to shop with purpose and elevate your style with substance.

Gwen Tredinnick